Monday, June 4, 2012

Families can be together forever


Anai was baptized this week, she is a student and will be returning to Spain this summer. She was excited for her baptism and for Mother’s Day she invited her mother to come from Spain to attend her baptism. Her mother was curious because she had met the missionaries in the past in Ecuador and had even attended a temple open house. At the baptismal service her mother was very touched by the members and the talks and testimonies that were shared. As she watched her daughter enter the waters of baptism she began to cry and was very happy with her daughter’s choice. She loved the closing hymnand she took many pictures. After the baptism we asked her if the missionaries in Spain could come by her home and answer questions that she might have and give her a Book of Mormon in Spanish as a gift. She was thrilled at the idea! She took one of our planners and wrote her name, address and phone number and told us that she would be back in Spain on Tuesday and that she would love for the missionaries to stop by. This is a great and marvelous work in which we have the blessing of participating. The missionaries that spoke to our amie’s mother in Ecuador will never know that she and her family have now taken the first steps to becoming an eternal family. The Lord’s vision is so much greater than ours, we must simply follow him and give our best and through our efforts he will accomplish his great designs.

I don't know if I am exagerating but this past week and this week may or may not be the 2 most busy weeks of my entire life.

Monday- We went to Yverdon and did an exchange with some stellar elders, we learned that because of some miscommunication that we needed to leave for Lyon the next day much earlier than planned so I we drove back to Geneva late and crashed into bed

Tuesday- Woke up early and went to Lyon and had a great new missionary training, then we spent the whole night at IKEA buying new furniture for our apartment

Wednesday- President's last Zone Leader Council that was soooo good and then we spent the entire rest of the day until late building IKEA furniture

Thursday- Woke up and kept building IKEA furniture and then drove back to Geneva and taught Leila and Anai. Both of them are great, Leila is progressing super well. You are going to meet her when you come visit.

Friday - The baptismal interview of Anai and then working and preparing for her baptism.

Saturday - BAPTISM!!!!!! It was wonderful. Her mother came and there was a bunch of members, the entire program was in spanish and it went really well.

Sunday - We went and ate with/taught the Attobra family and then we taught Leila as well with the Serrano family. You will meet them as well, they are one of my favorite families that I have met on my mission.

Today - Woke up and did a bunch of stuff and then rushed off to our plane with President and Sister Murdock. Now we are in Bordeaux and we are going to start an exchange in like an hour.

This email was just a bunch of temporal things so I'm sorry about that. I am so so happy. My mission has changed my life, I have come unto Christ. I know that he lives and I know that everything that he asks of us is for our well-being. There is NO greater joy in this life than serving the Lord and his children.

Love Elder Smith

I decided that this mormon missionary thing isn't for me
I am actually going to be a nun

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