I have been transferred to a city called Gex as an assistant, i live in Switzerland at the mission home, but I work in Gex which is in France, I have big giant french snowy alps all around me and it makes me remember how much I love snowy Utah mountains! I had a great birthday! The Kool family and Greg and his wife were soooo kind to me, it was sad for me to go, but I know that the Lord has sent me here. I think you know but they gave me the best surprise that I have ever had, I loved the video so much, and I was so glad to see Ben and Tanelle and the kids, l kept wanting to talk back to them like it was skype, but i realized that they couldn't talk back. I am now with Elder Bollero, he is a great missionary from Arkansas, he was baptized 1.5 years before his mission, and he will finish 6 weeks after me, so he as been a missionary as long as he has been a normal member.
I absolutely loved Aix and it was especially hard to say goodbye to Greg and Robine, I love them a lot and I am excited to stay in contact with them and to see them again!
Yesterday I got to the mission home and we dove straight into getting things ready for new missionaries and into planning things with President for the zone conferences, we spent this entire day with the new missionaries, they are great, we went and picked them up at the airport and they are super tired yet full of energy, I will be finishing my mission as an assistant so there are no more surprises, we are going to be traveling a lot because the mission is really big and we are moving the mission home to Lyon ASAP, but I am more excited for the work with Elder Bollero, we have a bunch of really cool families that have lots of potential in our area, we are going to have to cram things in in order to see them enough, but I think we will see some baptisms! I am definitely not going to get bored for these last 6 months!
Thank you so much for all the personal hand written letters, from all the families and all the kids, I got it the day before my birthday and it was awesome, I loved getting all the pictures and photos! My Birthday went fast, but I had some old companions that had spread the word that it was my birthday so I got a couple of pretty great phone calls from lots of my good friends! Thank you to Jen as well for the great updates, I am glad to hear from you, I thought that you might have died :) not just kidding, really thanks, it was great!
This email was pretty boring i hope that I will be able to talk about investigators and stuff in my other emails, but just know that I am doing well and that I love you!
Elder Smith
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